
Как увеличаването на температурите може да повиши риска от домашно насилие?

В статията са използвани материали от:

  1. Allen, E., Munala, L., & Henderson, J. (2021). Kenyan Women Bearing the Cost of Climate Change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  2. Bhalotra, S., Britto, D., Pinotti, P., & Sampaio, B. (2021). Domestic violence: the potential role of job loss and unemployment. CAGE Policy Briefing (No.34).
  3. Bhalotra, S., Britto, D., Pinotti, P., & Sampaio, B. (2021). Job Displacement, Unemployment Benefits and Domestic Violence (2021). CESifo Working Paper No. 9186. Available at SSRN.
  4. Eklund., S. (2023). An empirical study on violence against women and unemployment in Sweden.
  5. IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change. Available at https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/ 
  6. Nguyen, H. (2019). Gendered Vulnerabilities in Times of Natural Disasters: Male-to-Female Violence in the Philippines in the Aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan. Violence Against Women, 25(4), 421-440.
  7. Ondieki, G., Shetty, D., & See, A. (2023). Climate change puts more women at risk for domestic violence. The Washington Post. 
  8. Изследване на насилието над деца в България. Достъпно на https://www.unicef.org/bulgaria/media/10236/file
  9. Филева, Л. (2022). От началото на 2022 година: над 1000 жени и деца са жертви на домашно насилие. Дневник.